Wisconsin Medicare Advantage Plans

Medicare Advantage plans, also know as Medicare Part C, are Medicare-approved private health insurance plans. You may get all of your Part A (Hospital), Part B (Medical), and Part D (Prescription Drug) coverage combined in one plan. Medicare Advantage Plans may include:
- Health Maintenance Organizations
- Preferred Provider Organizations
- Routine Vision, Hearing, Dental
- Private Fee-for-Service Plans
- Special Needs Plans
- Medicare Medical Savings Account Plans
If you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan:
- Most Medicare services are covered through the plan
- Medicare services aren’t paid for by Original Medicare
- Ask about other plan options with no underwriting necessary
- Special Enrollment Periods let you change your plan mid-term, Annual Enrollment & Open Enrollment Period is available each year. These periods allow you to change your plan if you are not satisfied with your current plan. Inquiry for specific details that would apply to you, where you live.